Tuesday 20 October 2015

christmas count down

only 5 weeks to go before i put my christmas tree up (first of December)! if u know me you will know that i adore christmas, like i would die if christmas was band! i love the fact that everyone celebrates christmas not like your birthday as that is a thing that only you and your family celebrates. some people only love christmas for the presents, i love the presents to but that isn't the most important thing about that season, every year me and my mum either go to my aunty and uncles and my cousin house the night before christmas or earlier or they come to my house. i love the fact of being with the people i love and to share that special day with them! when i was 8 or so i had christmas with just my mum and my gran, i love it but there was somthing missing and that was because my aunty and uncle and my cousin had somthing on so they couldn't make it so we invited my gran over to my house mainly because my mum had to work on christmas eve (i know horrible right) so she baby sitted me till my mum go home from work as well as for christmas as she had know one to have christmas with but there was alway somthing missing eventhough i was having the most amazing time! do you love christmas i shore do tell me all about it in the messages oh and by they way it was to much to do a blog every day before school so i will do one from time to time! i will do quite a lot as christmas it come the count down to christmas is starting yey!

Tuesday 13 October 2015

todays post!

hey peeps i remembered about my promise well when  say remember i meen just, i am going to school in 5 minuets so i need to go soon but can chat for a little while! i have a really busy day today as i am going to go to my morning lesson which is 1 hour and 45 minuets then i am going therapy riding before my handy craft lesson which is the same time as my main. so i am going to be really tired and floppy this evening. i hope you are going to have a good day tell me about your day in the message box bellow but rememer if u know me DO NOT mention my name thank you i need to go but i will  do another blog tonight or i will blog tomorrow! bye!
lots of love blogymoggy!!

Monday 12 October 2015


Hello guys Bloggymoggy here sorry I haven't done a blog in while I guess I could think of any subject but here I am despite that fact!! I am going to start doing a daily ish blog entry I am going to put an alarm on my phone or the iPad as that is were I do my blogs from, it means that u can here about my day,not to sound like a stalker but I quite like the blogs like that were they talk about what they have done on that day i think they bring excitement into there blogs! I can't talk for very long today as it is really time to go dreaming under the covers so I will try and remember to blog tomorrow if I don't I am so sorry but I will do it tomorrow or the day after I promise have a good dream in the morning I am going to be talking about the topic "random stuff" which will be Really fun then I am going to be talking about seasons of the year in the way like Halloween and Christmas and New Years and so on so I have loads of stuff planed but for now bye and have a good sleep 😀❤️
                                               Love from bloggymoggy!

Sunday 30 August 2015

dens and teddies

i love dens,
warm and snug,
dark and thrilling,
imagination running free,
cuddles with teddies,
i love dens how about u?
 that mainly explains why i love dens, i love sitting in the watching tv cuddling my dog molly with blankets wrapped around me! sometimes i like big dens but somtimes i like small dens. in the big dens i can play, role around but in the small dens i can cuddle up and go to sleep. and i also love making them but it can get a bit frustrating if it brakes!

i love teddies,
soft and cuddles are free,
dress them up in cute clothes,
talk to them about anything and they wont tell a soul,
i love teddies how about u?
i have recently got back into build a bear were u can dress bears up and give the names, it is really fun. i think the reason i went of them is because u know that stage in your life were you suddenly have the urge to grow up and leave all the 'baby' things behide. i went throgh that stage but know i am officialy out of it!! i need to go but tell me what you love but if u are my family and friend please make shore u dont say my name in the message thx!

Sunday 16 August 2015

summer holidays

Dear bloggers,

 my life is geting better by the minuet sorrry i havent replyed in ages, i have been really buzzy with school holidays and get togethers with my family. i have been to new wine, a Christian camp with worship tents and you get to camp the for a week it is really fun. i have also just come back from a holiday in woolacombe, i went to a place called europa park with my mum, my aunty and my cousin. we went to tyhe beach a couple of times, hung out at are little lodge for a bit sometimes, it is sort of a lodge it has a toilet at the back ecsept all 4 of us have to share one room. it was really fun but it was really sad leaving but that means that i have a good time. at the moment i am watching diary of the wimppy kid, i have just got back into ready the books i love them they are so good! Hope you had a really good summer! Tell me all about your summer in the comments!

Monday 27 July 2015


Hi guys sorry I haven't written for ages I have been really busy and tiered sorry! Right...
 I like peoms because
P erfect, peoms can never be wrong, you can go wild with them!
E motion, you can fill them with your emotions, they can be what ever you are feeling!
O MG! You can pull a word like omg ( oh my god/gosh) and think of words starting with those letters
M ad, they can be silly or exiting or sad. Whatever you want!
S ometimes. You can do them whenever and wherever you are, if you are on a bus anywhere you want!
    That is a classic peom you don't have to think hard you just do it!❤️💕

Monday 13 July 2015


phones, from the child side, parents use them so that when they go to secondary school they can comunicate with there children but we (as in children) use phones as a way to feel populare and grown up but i like phones becuase i can chat to my friends if i am feeling down and if i am scared i can text my mum but in places were i cant reach them. i do like the fact that you can play games that is true but i like them for the reason above mostly. you have to take good care of them, i didnt do such a good job meaning my phones is falling apart... well the glass on the screen is falling of, i anm going to get a new one for my birthday. i am turning 12 in 2 weeks and 2 days!!! anyway that is what i think about phones